Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This is my very first post, I really do not know what I am doing. A friend of mine Rita, told me that I need a blog.
So here I go. I guess I will start off with a little more about my family. I grew up in Payson, UT. I have awesome parents, mike and Lana. Two younger brothers, Jared and Adam. They are the best. Jared is now married with a cute wife, chelsey and a sweet baby boy- Haize, who we all adore. My kids range in age from 21 to 7, so a baby is very much welcome in our family. Adam lives in Salt Lake, works at Wells Fargo and is still not taken. My parents moved from Payson to live near us a few years ago. I have no idea how I lived away from family for so long. It is great to have a backup when the kids are sick or something like that. I have a great in law family- the Ross family. My husband has three brothers- Gavin, Eric and Blake, one sister Cara. They are all married now with kids. It is a big fun family. I love them all. My kids love their cousins so much, they love to visit them, seeing cousins is always a highlight. I don't think the family realizes that. My sister in laws are great and all special in their own way. Angela who is married to Gavin was one of my closest friends in high school. she actually lined Rod and I up on our first date. I am so glad to have her as family now. she is one of my best supporters, always there when I need something. Anyway that's the famdamily.
I want to introduce my kids- Eric is now 21 and my biggest fan. He is an awesome guy, very smart and talented. He is a musician, he took guitar lessons when he was in sixth grade, mastered it in four months. His teacher finally said
" he knows as much as I do, and I've been playing for 20 years!" Eric has taught himself to play keyboard , drums, banjo and his latest is the trumpet. Eric has also wrote the music for a short film which was submitted to Sundance. Eric is very sweet, giving and thoughtful. He now works with three men that have disabilities, I am so proud of him.
Jordan is next, he is 15. Jordan was a tiny baby and so cute. He is still cute and loves girls. He is my sentimental one, loves holidays so much that he used to cry when the day would end. We are up until midnight on holidays making sure to capture the moment with one last photo! Jordan is smart, funny, wild and he loves me. He is very protective of his siblings.
Spencer my strawberry blond cutie, is 11. He is sweet as anything but gaining a new teenage attitude everyday. He loves his grandparents and plays well with his little sister. He is good a drawing, and he is our family comedian. He can imitate anything to perfection, he creates alot of laughter in our house.
McKenzie our little princess is now 7 going on 22. she is a cutie, funny, all girl yet all boy. she can play as hard as the boys and she is louder than them, but yet invites her Dad to her tea parties. He never misses a one, by the way.
she brings alot of fun and drama to our house. It is a whole new ballgame with her around and we are slowly learning. She loves animals, nail polish, girls day out and swimming with Grandpa.

That sums up it up, probably to much for you all. Thanks for listening anyway.

1 comment:

Jordan, Spencer and Mckenzie

Jordan, Spencer and Mckenzie